KantipurRP Community & Rules

Welcome to Kantipur Roleplay ruleset. In order to maintain our quality of roleplay we have a lengthy set of rules that every player playing in Kantipur Roleplay should abide by.

Updated on Jun 5, 2021

Table of Contents

We have listened to our players' feedback and have made several changes to rules. We have decided to make some changes in our ban rules. There are five offences in our new ban system. More information on suspension and bans will be provided as you go through those rules. This means that our staff spend less time being busy in administrative work, allowing them to get in-game more often.

The staff team has put hours of their effort into Kantipur Roleplay and its rules, and our suspension process is configured in a way which is consistent to all members. Please try to use In-Game reports as wisely as you can so that we can focus on things that really matter. To assist with the reporting mechanism, it is advised that you record your gameplay.

Please note these are the official rules. If you are told differently, please ignore that unless it is from a member of the management team. You can find changes made to rules on the announcement channel of the Kantipur Roleplay Discord. With that said, the rules listed below don't cover each and every situation that may arise in the game, so we request you to use your own common sense in the majority of cases. There are players here who have been playing since a year and have never been suspended, so we request you to be one of them as well. We are fair and at the end, we are all here to enjoy ourselves and have fun in a nice environment.

1. Community Rules

Kantipur Roleplay is a friendly, and adult community. It certainly doesn't mean you have to be over 18 to play, but you will find most of the players who are over 18. We respect each and every members of this community and no discrimination will be tolerated.

We request players to give and show respect, act like an adult and treat others like how you would expect to be treated. If you want to disagree on a topic, you can disagree, but in a noble and adult manner. At the end of the day we all are here to have fun and enjoy one of the best roleplay experiences you will ever have. If you are here to quarrel and show unwanted drama then it won't be long until you will be shown the door out. Some of the community rules you shouldn’t be breaching and we cannot accept under any circumstances are:

  • Do not intimidate players from playing on the server or continuously harass them in the game for OOC reasons to purposely make their game experience poor.

  • Do not express discriminatory or offensive views. This place is not for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, gender or disability discimination. You might face a Permanent Ban if found or reported.

  • Swearing at someone inside and outside of roleplay with malicious intent, will not be tolerated.

  • Any threat to, or harassment of, any person, or the community will not be tolerated. You might face a week suspension or permanent ban for this.

  • The staff team may Permanently Ban any member from the server and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have a valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues.

  • As this is a roleplay server, every situation is different and everything cannot be detailed through the rules so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things can be solved by common sense.

  • Forcing or encouraging another member of the community to break the rule is not acceptable.

  • Terrorism RP is not acceptable under any circumstances.

2. General Rules

2.1. Account Ownership / Responsibility and Character Creation:

  • Account ownership is non-transferrable and is property of the creator.

  • All players are responsible for their account, social club and hardware. Linked accounts will face the same punishments.

  • Players must not trade their account or any in-game luxuries for money or valuables. If found, both of the parties will face permanent ban from the server.

  • Character names must be realistic and resemble sem-real world names. You can have a nickname as your primary name.

  • If you name yourself as a famous person then we expect you to roleplay as the characteristic of that person.

  • Players may not transfer assets to other players or to other characters they own without proper In character reason. Doing so will result in permanent ban from the server.

  • Players should not scam or deceive other players out of character for their property.

  • Players cannot migrate information or any in-game things to other characters of their own. Remember we do have logs of transfers made; we can easily track you down. This is a bannable offense. You also cannot make a middleman to transfer your in-game credits.

2.2. Donations and Perks:

  • As there are no other funds to maintain the server, we rely heavily on donations to keep up the server.

  • You can find the perks you get after donation at #supporter-benefits channel of the Kantipur Roleplay discord.

  • Contact the admins of Kantipur Roleplay if you experience any issues with donations and receiving perks.

  • All donations are linked to the donor's specific account, therefore, cash and other items obtained from donation cannot be transferred to other players or their own second character. If needed you can contact an admin for the support.

  • Currently, we don't refund donations as the amount we receive from donations might already be used for the renewal process.

2.3. Hacking and Exploits:

  • Players must not use mods, trainers or any kind of software installed that gives any extra advantage. You are provided siren mods, graphics mods, for which you have to contact admin. You will face a permanent ban if found using such mods or trainers.

  • As the server is in a regular development phase, there might be bugs. Server bugs may not be used for advantage and must be reported to the bug-reports channel of Kantipur Roleplay discord.

  • Server scripts should not be exploited in any way to your advantage. Some of scripts exploits are as follows and are not limited to:
    • - Storing the vehicle in the garage and taking it out to escape from the police.
    • - Using phones and radios to call for aid when you are handcuffed.

2.4. Advertising and Public Chat:

  • It is not allowed to advertise or discuss other GTA V Multiplayer communities on any Kantipur Roleplay community, including self created contents from other communities.

  • You can post your streaming links on respective discord channels if you want to promote your stream.

  • All players must be able to communicate in Nepali or English. And most of the characters should be only in those allowed languages.

  • Players must not threaten other players or use offensive language in OOC chat or OOC context. That will lead to a permanent ban.

  • Announcements and Ads should contain realistic in-character content and must not be offensive.

  • Announcements and ads cannot be used to advertise illegal objects or activities. You can use twitter on your phone for that.

2.5. DeathMatching:

  • You cannot kill anyone without first engaging in a quality roleplay. You are to give people an incentive and enough time to comply with your orders (eg. During a robbery, do not shoot a player after 5 seconds if they don’t listen, instead you can chase them for a long run and at the last moment you can use a taser gun to make them down). We don't consider countdowns as quality roleplay.

  • A player is not allowed to kill a victim if the victim is in compliance with the demands.

  • If a player informs you that your VOIP (Voice-Chat) is not working, you must either fix it or use (/me) to deliver your demands.

  • You cannot use vehicles as your weapon. You are not allowed to kill or injure a person using a vehicle. You cannot ram other vehicles causing explosions which may injure other players heavily, or, you cannot hit a motorcycle with a car to injure the rider, or, not drive too fast in high traffic areas like Legion Square where you accidently hit other players making them heavily injured.

  • If you are running away in a chase, you are not allowed to hit instant brakes to make a person behind you get hurt because of your action. It is also considered as VDM.

  • Excessive Deathmatches are not allowed. It means you cannot get into gunfights again and again in an instance. You cannot also kill the same player again and again. You are supposed to be realistic and give yourself time before you get into another gunfight.

2.6. Fear Roleplay (FearRP):

  • FearRP is the concept of roleplaying fear for your character's safety and life. You are required to follow FearRP.

  • Examples (but not limited to), where your character's life is considered to be in direct danger:

    • When you are on foot or bike and a weapon is aimed at you at close range that you can see. Failing to comply with the situation is a kind of FailRP situation which might get punished.

    • When you are in a vehicle that is stalled or turned off and a weapon is aimed at you at a close range.

    • When the attacker lowers their weapon to type or roleplay, your life is still in direct danger. In most of the cases there should be 2 or more than 2 players, so one can still point at you while the other is busy in roleplaying scenarios.

    • When more than one person is aiming their weapon to you at a close range.
  • Examples (but not limited to), where your character's life is considered not to be in direct danger:

    • When you are in a car and the engine is not stalled and you see them coming with the gun from far away.

    • When you already have firearms drawn and are facing the person before they attack.

    • When the attacker's view is obstructed by an object or when they turn their back on you.
  • As a victim, whose life is in direct danger:

    • You must display reasonable value for your life and comply with the demands of your attacker.

    • You cannot call the police, or your friends or allies to aid you. Remember that they might shoot you down if they see you using the mobile phone.

    • You can play through the roleplay and have a chance to make yourself out of direct danger and then call for help or aid.

    • You should not use the fact that if you die, they can't get your stuff, remember that you being alive is more important than your stuff.

2.7. No Crime Zone (NCZ) or Green Zones:

  • A no crime zone is an area where players may not commit any actions considered crimes. They are not safe havens from the law, because Police may arrest you from these zones.

  • There are specific rules to be followed strictly inside Green Zones:

    • You must not attempt to kill anyone in a green zone.

    • Weapons must not be drawn out in green zones. (Exceptional for Police)

    • You must not knock out and rob other players in a green zone.

    • You must not steal vehicles from the green zone.

    • You must not park or leave your vehicle inside of a green zone in order to sell illegal items such as drugs or guns.

    • You must not exploit the green zones to avoid ongoing hostile roleplay.

    • If a player uses the Green Zone for protection, the attackers can continue the RPing the Green Zone because the victim is not allowed to flee directly.
  • Players must not disobey orders of law enforcement but are allowed to flee if they get a chance to.

  • Following are the Green Zones in Kantipur Roleplay:

    • Police Stations.

    • Hospitals.

    • Premium Deluxe Motorsports.

    • The Elite Showroom.

    • The City Hall.

    • The Court House.

    • The Bolingbroke Penitentiary.

    • The Mechanic Workshops.

    • The Real Estate Agent's office.

    • Job Areas (Includes Cutting, Processing and Selling).

    • Legion Square (Not Legion Garage).

2.8. Metagaming:

  • Using out of game information to influence the roleplay is considered metagaming that will lead to permanent ban.

  • Mixing in character and out of character information is also a minor metagaming case. For example, a player cannot use character chat to call someone by mentioning the player ID shown while pressing U muscle.

  • You are not allowed to identify players in a game via Player ID. Player ID can be used only to report a player. Police, EMS, Taxi Drivers and more can be identified as they have their proper job uniform, as long as a police officer is an undercover officer. (Not in Uniform and driving unmarked vehicles).

  • You are not allowed to identify a player by his/her voice.

  • Stream Sniping is considered metagaming and is not allowed. If a player is streaming on our server, then you must not use the information that you gain from watching the stream and also not be allowed to take the action as from the information gained on comments during the stream.

2.9. New Life Rule:

A new life means that your character has lost all memories 15 minutes prior or the event leading to your death(respawn), such as current situations and who killed you. But this does not include long term memories specific to your character, such as your job, friends and places you have been to.

Your character forgets the events and information leading up to their death. The only exception here is your wanted level.

  • A new life starts when you are executed, you respawn or your character has been involved in a very serious accident. You cannot force your own death.

  • All parties involved must avoid interaction with each other for at least 15 minutes. A player must not return to the area of their death for that time frame or attempt to retrieve lost possessions from involved players. Whitelisted job holders may return to their office and resume their duties but must abide by the NLR rule in all other ways.

  • A new life does not start when you have been the victim of Death Match or you disconnect.

  • Your character also does not remember where any of its vehicles are outside the garage.

  • There is a difference between respawn and revive. When you are revived by an EMS, you are not to follow the NLR (New Life Rule).

  • You clearly cannot be involved in any RP situations for the next 5 minutes if you are revived by an EMS. It includes not getting involved in fights, not running away or driving away.

2.10. Powergaming:

  • Forceful roleplay that does not give the other player a chance to roleplay their response is considered as powergaming. Other players must be given a chance to roleplay outcomes of actions.

  • Roleplay of unrealistic actions like super strength is another form of power gaming. It might include but not limited to carrying more than 1 player at a time, being revived just now and running away riding a bike, ramping your car and starting continuing like nothing happened (See also Vehicle Rules).

  • Whitelisted job holders must not abuse the salary system and must go off-duty when they are not performing their duties.

  • Roleplay is required before using forceful commands like, drag or using handcuffs.

  • The use of /me can result in powergaming in some instances (i.e. /me tie his legs) so be careful on how you use it.

2.11. Combat Logging / Storing:

  • Combat Logging is a scenario where you log off from the game to protect yourself from a roleplay scenario. It may be making a hostage, being arrested or any other. Combat Logging is a punishable offense.

  • If you get disconnected because of technical issues during an active roleplay, you must reconnect and inform other parties in order to resume roleplay. If you are unable to reconnect you may be excused after providing a proof to the admins.

  • In a situation where you get away from an incident where you're being chased or pursued, you must wait 15 minutes before you can logout. Players should not be involved in roleplay if they do not have enough time to play it through.

  • If you call for help after dying you must wait at least 15 minutes before logging off, it would give a chance to helpers to show up.

  • You are not allowed to store money, vehicles, illegal items or any gears while an active RP situation is ongoing for the purpose of preventing the opposition getting their hands on it. Throwing away items is not allowed as well.

  • Customizing the escape vehicle or changing outfits right after the chase is not allowed. You must get very far away from the police and wait for some time before you are allowed.

2.12. Miscellaneous / Jobs:

  • Cop Baiting a.k.a doing stupid things to get a cop's attention is strictly prohibited. This is a punishable act.

  • You are not allowed to use any emergency service clothes (EMS, Police), if you are not in an emergency service.

  • If you are dead, do not spam chat to be revived. You can use the /F1 to send distress signals.

  • We take NPC (locals) as the same priority as citizens. So, killing locals is quite similar to killing citizens. You might get fined and imprisoned for doing so.

  • You are not allowed to store your vehicle mid-chase or while running away from police, or while being stopped by police. If you are running away from the police and they lose sight of you, you must wait at least 5 minutes before storing your vehicle as it is unrealistic to go up to the nearest garage and "make your car disappear". It might be considered as combat storing and you might face punishment.

  • You do not have a floating camera behind you. If your eyes can't see a scenario, you cannot use the information you see via third person perspective. You have two options here: Peek your head out of what you're hiding behind or switch to first person perspective and once you see with your eyes, switch back.

  • You must have a working microphone to play on this server. Being mute is not allowed.

  • You are allowed to have only one whitelisted job. Management are exceptions to this rule (for testing purpose only).

  • If you are doing a job, you are required to use a work vehicle. You may buy your own work vehicle which can be stored in your garage. If police find you doing jobs with your non-work vehicles, the items you possess will be considered stolen and will be taken by police.

  • Hunting sniper rifles are not allowed to be used for any purpose other than hunting animals.

3. Vehicle Rules

3.1. General Vehicle Rules:

  • You should be self aware that taking cars of the classes Supercars, Sports and Sports Classic to a very off road way is not realistic. We don't mean that you are not ALLOWED but it is your own common sense that you should think of. A police officer may or may not fine you for this depending upon the situation.

  • It is suggested not to take any kind of special offroading vehicles to the city area. A police officer may or may not fine you for this action depending upon the situation.

  • You are suggested not to take your vehicle straight up a mountain. That would be quite unrealistic.

  • Do not abuse GTA physics to your own advantage and try not to drive in an unrealistic way. This also is a kind of abusing exploits and may fall under powergaming in some scenarios.

  • Some of the examples of abusing GTA physics are; Taking your vehicle off a ramp from a high point like bridges or buildings, Driving up and down the staircase, driving unsuitable super cars on offroad, etc.

3.2. Work Vehicles and Emergency Vehicles:

  • You are requested to use your work vehicle for the job it was intended for, if there is no work vehicle you can use your own personal vehicle.

  • If you are stealing a vehicle for an illegal job, you may only steal cars or small vans. Under no circumstances you are allowed to use stolen trucks/large vans that can hold 300 KG unless it is your own or a borrowed vehicle.

  • If you are found stealing a vehicle or could not possess a valid vehicle insurance paper at a police enquiry, you might get fined for doing so.

  • We request you try not to steal emergency vehicles as much as you can. Emergency vehicles include Ambulance, Police Cars, Mechanic Flatbed.

  • You are running away in a chase, you see a single police officer, you shoot him down and run away taking his vehicle seems quite a combatting kind of roleplay. There are many scenarios that we have found regarding using emergency vehicles. We request you not to do these kinds of things.

  • You must be involved in a very strong and quality roleplay in order to use an emergency vehicle. This does not include military vehicles.

  • You are given a maximum of 5 minutes to leave the emergency vehicle that you have used. And you are not allowed to run away too far using the emergency vehicle. What we mean to say is, if you steal a police car from Vinewood while being active in a QualityRP. You are not allowed to use the same vehicle as a getaway vehicle. Neither you are allowed to take that vehicle up to Sandy Shores or Paleto bay or to the airport areas. We request you to drive around that area and call a friend to pick you up within 5 minutes of stealing that vehicle.

  • You are requested to keep in mind that many emergency vehicles have GPS trackers which can be tracked by EMS or Police, so be aware while you steal that vehicle.

3.3. Aircrafts and Boats:

  • You are not allowed to use a helicopter to farm drugs, or do other illegal activities more efficiently.

  • You are not allowed to land planes and helicopters wherever you like. You must find a helipad or an open space area to land it. Airplanes are supposed to be landed only in airports.

  • You are not allowed to take a helicopter or plane and land it in Military Base Camp.

  • Boats and submarines should be taken out only from the docks that are shown on the map.

  • If you are running away in a boat, just don’t drive and go to a boat. Remember that there must be a time for your supportive friend to take a boat out and wait for you. So, in this case, we request you to have at least 5 minutes of chase before running away in a boat. (Also See How Many Criminals Section)

  • Run away from boats are also allowed to be done only from the dock areas that are shown in the map.

  • Aircrafts cannot be used as a runaway vehicle.

3.4. Vehicle Crimes:

  • You are not supposed to use vehicles as your weapon. (Also see VDM Section)

  • You are not allowed to use your work vehicle for crimes and illegal purposes.

  • Drive-bys (Shooting while you are inside a vehicle) is not allowed for everyone.

4. Criminal Roleplay Rules:

4.1. Criminal Roleplay Requirements

There are several requirements that you need to comply with in order to take part in any criminal roleplay in Kantipur Roleplay. Some of the criminal roleplay scenarios and their requirements are:

Crime Type Police Requirement
Store Robbery 3
Fleeca Bank Robbery 5
Pacific Standard Bank Robbery 7
Police Kidnapping 10
Police Murder 10

4.2. Hostage Taking / Player Robbing Rules:

  • You must be involved in a high-quality roleplay to take hostage.

  • You need to be involved in a quality roleplay to rob someone.

  • Camping at meth locations and weed locations with only intent of robbing someone is not tolerated as well.

  • You are not allowed to take hostages from your own gang or your own friend circle. Hostage should be totally unaware about your plan.

  • You cannot hold a hostage for more than 15 minutes, prior to any Robbery. This time limit can be extended in some extreme scenarios when both the parties agree to do so.

  • You are not allowed to take a dead person with you.

  • When robbing someone you are allowed to take items that are only available in their inventory. You cannot force them to do bank transfers or transfer their assets. You are not allowed to take items from the vehicle or apartment's inventory as well.

  • When robbing a cop, you cannot take any item that is issued by the Police Department.

  • When robbing a mechanic, you can take other items except Body Kits. You are allowed to take only 5 repair kits from a mechanic.

  • You cannot kidnap/rob EMS under any circumstances. (Temporary Rule)

  • You are allowed to kidnap or take hostage a Real Estate Agent but cannot take monetary items from them.

  • You are not allowed to kidnap a journalist for the sake of robbing a store. There must be a very strong roleplay reason to kidnap a journalist. With that, you are not allowed to rob him.

  • You are not allowed to kidnap a negotiating officer at the crime scene. Doing so might lead you to kick from that instance.

  • If a hostage/kidnap situation has a police officer involved in any way, all the players holding the hostage may not kidnap or take another police officer as hostage for 3 OOC days.

4.3. Threatening Rules:

  • Using the in-game phone to warn police is not acceptable. You cannot warn police by sending a message as "any police seen within this area will be shot at sight"; to their phone.

  • You can threaten someone using twitter, but keep in mind that your messages are visible to police as well.

  • Before shooting at someone directly (while a person is hostage or not) we request you to do a warning shot that doesn’t cause harm to the victim. This might lead your hostage to comply with your terms.

4.4. Murder Rules:

  • If you have to murder someone, you must be involved in a very high-quality roleplay. This includes very strong reason to murder a person.

  • You cannot murder someone if they comply with what you say. No matter who the person is.

  • We request everyone to give value for life over belongings. Players are requested to give value to their rival's life as well.

  • You might have to, under certain circumstances, provide reason to kill the player (especially police officers). The reason must be provided in-game or in certain scenarios it might be OOC (Discord).

  • Murdering an EMS is not acceptable under any circumstances.

4.5. Miscellaneous:

  • You must clearly inform outside shooters and give police ample time to prepare for the scenario.

  • Third party or any disturbance is not allowed in a pull over or when police are detaining a civilian.

  • Third parties are not allowed in any fight.

  • Police should be a highly feared person in crime/illegal related cases:

    • Players should not go to PD to tease officers.

    • Players should not commit silly crimes in front of Police.

    • Players should not try one-on-one with police officers.

    • If you are selling drugs, or doing any criminal activities and the police show up, your main goal should be to run away. Do not ever try to fight them.

    • While talking with the police one should talk with respect.

    • Remember, no matter how powerful a person is, when it comes to illegal matters, they don’t take police lightly, therefore you must play low while interacting with police.
  • You are not allowed to interfere once a criminal has been arrested. Which means you cannot try to help escape your friend from police while they are detained or being taken to PD. However, if police officers are transporting criminals to prison, you can attempt to help them escape by attacking the police. You cannot aim for the moving vehicle’s tire when shooting. Also, you cannot exceed more than 5.

  • You are allowed to intimidate a police officer as a part of your criminal roleplay, but also keep in mind that a police officer might imprison you, or keep you in a cell and fine you for doing so depending upon the situation.

  • If a police officer calls you for an interrogation at PD and you are not available there. Depending upon the crime you were involved in, a police officer may issue an arrest on sight warrant against you, which will last for 48 OOC hours. You may face a longer sentence period while a police officer arrests you for being undercover.

  • Burning players with patrol is considered toxic, so players should avoid it.

5. Robbery/Heist Rules:

5.1. Store Robbery:

  • There are numerous stores in Kantipur Roleplay that can be robbed.

  • This can be a high risk, low reward kind of crime activity that you get involved in. This means, you might be chased by a greater number of police when you are running away, while the reward you get might not be according to the risk you take.

  • You need to have a hostage before robbing a store. Remember an NPC is not considered a valid hostage.

  • You cannot transfer a looted amount to a hostage in order to keep it safe. It can lead you to suspension from the server.

  • Police officer will send one un-armed negotiator who will make himself known. This is also a part of robbery. You can either start roleplay with the negotiator or ask him to leave, but keep in mind you cannot kidnap or kill him, and if done so you might get suspended. You will be given 2 demands that may be fulfilled by police officers, but keep in mind no demands are permanent.

  • You are allowed to use only one vehicle for the purpose of robbing a store. It can be a bike or a car.

  • Police officers are allowed to use only 2 spike strips in the chase started from Store Robbery.

  • Not more than 2 robbers can be inside the store with the purpose of robbing a store.

  • There cannot be more than 3 police officers at the time of store robbery.

  • Police officers can use only 2 vehicles to chase you, where only one bike can be used.

  • Number of police officers chasing after you might be increased depending upon how you run away, still no more police officers can add-up to the scene before 5 minutes of the start of the chase.

  • You will be fined and sentenced accordingly by the police officer as per the Police Regulations for that crime.

5.2. Fleeca Bank Robbery:

  • There are X number of fleeca banks in Kantipur Roleplay that can be robbed.

  • Fleeca banks are where many of the civilian's savings are saved, so you might get proper rewards in this robbery.

  • This can be a high risk, high reward kind of crime that you get involved in. Numbers of police officers might get increased depending upon the situation in this case.

  • You need to have a hostage before robbing a bank. Remember that an NPC is not a valid hostage.

  • You cannot transfer a looted amount to a hostage in order to keep it safe. It can lead you to suspension from the server.

  • Police officer will send one un-armed negotiator who will make himself known. This is also a part of bank robbery. You can either start roleplay with the negotiator or ask him to leave, but keep in mind you cannot kidnap or kill him, and if done so you might get suspended. You will be given 2 demands that may be fulfilled by police officers, but keep in mind no demands are permanent.

  • Fleeca banks can be robbed while there are 5 police officers. You are allowed to use 2 vehicles.

  • Police officers are allowed to use only 3 spike strips in the chase involved from Fleeca Bank Robbery.

  • Not more than 4 robbers can be inside the bank with the purpose of robbing a bank. You might have people helping you outside the bank, but keep in mind it should not exceed more than 5 (4 inside the bank and one outside to help) and cannot be involved in that scene within the first 5 minutes of chase.

  • There cannot be more than 5 police officers at the time of bank robbery.

  • Police officers can use 4 ground units where 2 bikes are allowed with an additional air unit depending upon the situation.

  • Number of police officers chasing after you might be increased depending upon how you run away, still no more police officers can add-up to the scene before 5 minutes of the start of the chase.

  • You will be fined and sentenced accordingly by the police officer as per the Police Regulations for that crime.

5.3. Pacific Standard Bank Robbery:

  • Pacific bank is where all the cash reserves and gold reserves are stored in the state, robbing Pacific Banks is a big operation and requires some well thought tactics and plans. It is brilliant for roleplay and combat and can be very rewarding, but there are some strict rules you must abide by.

  • There must be 7 police officers online, please make sure about it before turning up. The vault is coded so it wont open if there are less than 7 police officers.

  • This can be a very high risk and very high reward kind of criminal activity that you get involved in. Numbers of police officers can be increased depending upon the situation.

  • Police officer will send one un-armed negotiator who will make himself known. This is also a part of heist. You can either start roleplay with the negotiator or ask him to leave, but keep in mind you cannot kidnap or kill him, and if done so you might get suspended. You are also not allowed to ask a negotiator to not bring any kind of vehicle in the chase. You will be given 2 demands that may be fulfilled by police officers, but keep in mind no demands are permanent.

  • You need to have a hostage before robbing a bank. Remember that an NPC is not a valid hostage.

  • Police officers are allowed to use only 4 spike strips in the chase involved from Pacific bank Heist.

  • You can have outside planners to help you during the chase, but keep in mind it should not exceed 6 (4 inside and 2 outside) in numbers. And should not appear on scene before 10 minutes of the chase.

  • There cannot be more than 7 police officers at the time of heist, but can be increased depending upon the situation. Police officers cannot add up to the situation before 5 minutes of the start of the chase.

  • You will be fined and sentenced accordingly by the police officer as per the Police Regulations for that crime.

  • Police officers have all the rights to breach in a proper manner in case you start intimidating officers in the case.

6. Emergency Services Rules:

6.1. Police Rules:

Being in the police department of Kantipur Roleplay is a massive privilege as it is one of the largest roleplayed police departments in Nepal. But inorder to keep the quality of roleplay there are some rules police officers must abide by.

  • Police officers are not allowed to sell their equipment, or give their equipment away. If there is a serious roleplay scenario, exchanges can be made, but still Carbine Rifle is not exchangeable at any cause.

  • Combat Pistols and tasers must be used unless lethal force is ordered by the highest-ranking officer in that situation.

  • You must not abuse your police role to help out your friends. (For example: Removing charges of your friends or their allies without sufficient roleplay reason).

  • You are not allowed to drive a marked police vehicle in an out-of-police uniform.

  • Transporting suspects are not allowed in unmarked police vehicles. But a police officer in an unmarked vehicle can still stop you and call an additional police officer in a marked vehicle for interrogation.

  • Police officers are not allowed to execute players, as this act is abolished in many of the countries.

  • Police officers might be fearless depending upon the situation. If a police officer finds himself in a one-on-one situation with a civilian where the player is pointing a weapon at them, the officer can fight back because officers are professionally trained to do so.

  • Unarmed police negotiators are not to be taken as hostages. If you find yourself in this situation, you can inform the person (Out of Roleplay) that they cannot detain you at this stage.

  • You must abide by all other police specific rules provided at time of hiring. (Some police rules are provided only to police officers).

6.2. Emergency Medical Services Rules:

Roleplaying as an Emergency Medical Service (EMS) is a massive privilege in Kantipur Roleplay. EMS is a special non-combat role. While on duty within EMS, your primary focus should be your EMS roleplay. There are still some rules you must abide by.

  • EMS are not allowed to follow gangs, police or civilians around without a proper reason. Please patrol the full area you are assigned to.

  • You must not abuse your role as EMS to assist your friend in any way.

  • You are not allowed to use EMS vehicles while in an out-of EMS uniform or you cannot use a normal vehicle while on duty EMS.

  • If attending a crime scene, do not revive or move any injured people without consulting with the nearest police officers. If there are no alive police officers in the area, you can start reviving a police officer first, describe the case and then do as the instructions say. If it is made clear that you are not to treat any individuals then please accept that request and do not treat any indicated person’s.

  • You can revive patients only in Hospital, unless it is a critical case where you have to describe it to your chief.

  • If a combat is in progress, or shots are being fired within the last 5 minutes, the area is not safe to enter for rescuing the injured. Therefore, you cannot revive at this time. You can ask for aid from police officers at this time.

  • You are requested to make a call to Police officers if there are any victims of gunshots injury.

  • You are not allowed to carry any weapons. Taser guns can be an exception to this for your self protection, but you must take a taser from a police officer in roleplay. (Taser gun won't cost you money in this case)

  • You must abide by all other EMS specific rules provided at time of hiring. (Some police rules are provided only to EMS.)

6.3. Journalist Rules:

Roleplaying as a Journalist is also a massive privilege in Kantipur Roleplay. Journalism is also considered as a non-combat role. Journalists are one of the safest job holders in the state. While as an on-duty journalist, your primary focus should be your journalist roleplay. There are some rules for journalists that you should abide by.

  • Journalists are allowed to follow a particular person for the term of creating a news report. But, if someone finds him doing so and requests to leave him, journalists should stop following from that point.

  • You are not allowed to abuse your role as a journalist to help your friend.

  • Being a journalist, you should still fear your life and not be involved in active gunshots without the permission of a police officer.

  • Journalists are also allowed to roleplay as a lawyer under certain circumstances.

  • Journalists should be available at PD in a case where a police officer has called.

  • Journalists should be using their own marked vehicle provided by Weazel News at the time of reporting an incident.

  • Journalists are not allowed to take aid with other civilians in a reporting case.

  • Journalists are required to post a featured article of video news on the News channel of Kantipur Roleplay discord server, doing so journalists will also be paid as per the news they make.

  • Being a journalist, you are not requested to take part in any criminal activity.

7. Administrator Rules:

The only reason why an admin/mod will interrupt an RP scene is when a rule has been broken. If an admin/mod has to break your RP scene in order to deal with a rulebreak, then you should speak civilly to them. If you cannot speak civilly to the admin/mod they are allowed to remove you from the city so that you may take some time to cool off. You are not to raise your voice and cuss an admin/mod. (There is a difference between cussing, and cursing AT someone). If you do so, you will not be a part of the server for very long. Admin/mods will try to speak to you civilly, and the only reason that our voices will be raised, is when you do not let us speak, continue interrupting us, or are acting otherwise belligerent. We want to speak in a normal tone, we are adults, we can discuss an issue civilly.

Otherwise, our voices are MUCH louder than yours. If you can't be respectful to the mods and admins, then you can find somewhere else to play. Because admins/mods are busy and do not have time to deal with someone throwing a tantrum or flying off of the handle.

Terms & Conditions

By playing on the server, you are agreeing that you understand the rules that have been laid out in this rules list. If you do not agree to these rules, then please do not continue playing on this server. If you would like to see a rule changed or amended, you are allowed to have a discussion in the proper channels when we hold community meetings to talk about rules and features. Your failure to read the rules in this list will not save you from being kicked or banned when you break one of these rules, it is your responsibility to read and keep up with the rules. Please enjoy your time on the server, and do your part to help this community grow into a place where everyone wants to keep coming back.

Note: All these rules are subject to change or be modified in the future.